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Peer to Peer Mentoring Program 

I began racing BMX when I was ten years old. All I wanted to do was be the very best and beat as many boys as I could! I guess you could say it became an obsession. I looked up to every pro rider in the sport to help me build my skills and overcome any fears that I had. I went to all of their clinics, learned a lot, and with hard work, I went on to become the very first ever National #1 Girl rider in America, in 2 different BMX Sanctions.

Mentoring is an important part of life. It is a rare joy to teach and guide our youth to become successful, whether in sports, school, careers, or just in everyday life. It is empowering to help our young girls. We hope that you feel the same. Support our mission and help by giving back in some way. Donate or volunteer, and give our girls the gift of becoming successful and healthy!


Debbi Kalsow - Founder of Tuff Gurlz


Become A Mentor

Are you looking for a young athlete to connect with? Can you introduce them to a new sport/sports, or coach them in an existing sport? Are you looking to empower our young girls?!! WE NEED YOU!

Youth Athlete 

"I really enjoy peer to peer mentoring! I have been doing it for a long time because I love supporting other kids. Most of the time I find that it is easier for kids to understand direction from other kids their age, or close to, rather than from an adult. Seeing them excel in their sport of choice is AWESOME!"

Sydney Howard  age 14


"Having a mentor is important. An older girl or woman can help you get better, and it's nice to know that there are other girls doing sports just like you. And if you do a sport like BMX where most of the riders are boys, having a girl mentor can help you feel like you're not alone."

Lola Jonjevic  age 9



  • I am looking for a mentor to introduce me to a new sport.

  • I need a mentor to coach me in an existing sport.

  • I'd like someone my own age to help me excel

      I Need A Mentor
I Need a Mentor


Mentoring programs

Tuff Gurlz Mentoring Program


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